Hip Hop
Hall Of Shame Rules

Go ahead son...Take your best shot..As me any hip hop question and watch me get it right...
After I correctly guess the answer to your pitaful question ..you will then find your name permenantly etched in the hallowed

Halls Of Shame
Should by chance...or through the grace of God you happen to stump me..Then you will recieve 100 pts and find yourself admitted to the Hall Of Fame... A special marking will be etched next to your name indicating that you actually defeated me in battle..

Bear in mind you may only submit one question at a time...And your name can appear in the
Hall Of Shame more then once... My warning to you hapless creatures.. is don't allow yourself to be defeated too many times..Otherwise......you will surely pay!


Go Ahead Chump
Submit Your Weak Ass Question...
Prepare to die you hip hop mortal !!

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