DJ Yella: I'm not married, ain't got no kids. I was born and raised in Compton. I'm
an original member of NWA and I was here until the end. I'm a producer. I
don't play any music instruments except for drums.
When I was growing up,
there was no Hip Hop, just funk like George Clinton. I used to DJ in a club
in LA as a teenager. Then Dre came along and we hit it off from the
beginning. We deejayed together for years before we even got into the music
industry. Hip Hop was like Grandmaster Flash back then. Rap was something
from the east coast. We almost originally started west coast Hip Hop when
we were in the World Class Wrecking Cru. We were broke but we stuck
We'd seen a show with Run DMC for the first time. It was their
first time in California. We sat back and looked at the show and it wasn't nothin'! It was two people rapping and a DJ! We said, 'That's it! We can
do that!' That's when we started trying to make records. That's when we put
out Surgery. It did okay and we sold a few but me and Dre were getting
tired of the Wrecking Cru cuz the money situation wasn't right and we were
always broke. Dre knew Eazy from his old neighborhood.
As you know, the
first song from NWA was Boyz In The Hood but it was originally written for
two other guys from New York who were rappers. They felt they couldn't rap
that way so Dre convinced Eazy into rapping it. It wasn't meant for him
because Eazy wasn't a rapper! That's when I met Eazy. Right then, we all
clicked and then Ren came into the picture. Of course, Cube was around
because he was in another group which was a subsidary of the Wrecking Cru
called CIA.
If Eazy was around at this time and he accepted his friend Dre when he wore
flashy clothes and cosmetics for the World Class Wrecking Cru, why did he
use it as a point to dis Dre on the 'It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa' album?
DJ Yella: He only did it because Dre came at him first. But deep down, he was kinda
hurt when Dre first left and the true animosity had worn off by the time
that record came out. Dre put out Nuttin' But A G Thang so Eazy had to come
back. That was just for show. I think deep down, they didn't really want to
do it but he just had to do it. They did have real beef, but over the
years, it just wore out.
What it was like to be in the group during itís heyday?
DJ Yella: On the first maxi-single, before the Straight Outta Compton album, Cube was
in school in Arizona for a year. So me, Ren, Dre, and Eric worked the whole
single promotion-wise for a whole year. Cube had a scholarship or something
so he was gone. The four of us put in a lot of free hours before we made
the actual album. Cube was writing a lot of Eazy's stuff that Eazy didn't
like because it wasn't him, he wasn't a rapper! We liked Eazy because
originally, he had the money, but also because the sound of his voice sold.
He sounded and looked like a little kid. That's why we pushed him out
front; he was the image. When you thought of NWA, you thought of Eazy-E
first. It was just a look. I was always in the background through all the
production and everything. But the real problems came when we started
making money.
What about what Ice-T said about starting gangsta rap?
DJ Yella: Ice-T was rapping but some people didn't know where he was from. Some
people thought he was from New York. He had a different style from us. We
were almost the first ones to cuss on a rap record, because that's how we
talk so I think we started 'street music' first. We were just different
from him. NWA started a legend and that legend has now opened the doors for
all these gangsta rappers or whatever you want to call them. We didn't
think of it as gangsta rap. To us, it was just street music. We rapped
about what we knew. We couldn't rap about New York because we didn't know
nothing about it.
When Cube and Dre left claiming that they were not being compensated
properly by Eazy, what really happened?
DJ Yella: Everybody was getting paid. It was really about more personal stuff. Cube,
for example, wanted to do a solo album but we told him 'Not now, we're
going to work on Eazy's album '. He wanted to do his first. Plus, somebody
was in his ear at the time telling him this and that. That was his major
As for Dre, it was the same thing. He was getting paid, he was
living in a million-dollar house so money was coming from somewhere! We
weren't being ripped off. I think the reason they left is because they were
listening to other people. Thatís the real issue. Me, I just stayed
neutral. I was down with Eazy, but I wasn't in any of his videos when he was dissing Dre.
How did you get the name 'Yella'?
DJ Yella: When I was just deejayin', there was a song by the Tom Tom Club called Mr.
Yellow. The Unknown DJ heard it and said 'that's what your name should be!'
and from that day on, that was my name! You'd be amazed at how much West
Coast Hip Hop today has been derived from us in that era. Just from that
time, 61 million records have been sold as a result. There was a core group
of people including Ice-T, MC Eiht, who all started at the same time as us.
From that era, a lot of the west coast acts have been derived.
Why did you name your new album 'One Mo Nigga To Go'?
DJ Yella: It means Iím the last NWA member to come out solo. I'm the last of the real
niggaz. I'm dedicating my album to Eazy because I was down with him from
day one and I never turned my back on him, even when times weren't so good,
I was always there. I was there for friendship, not money. Even when things
were slow, I was still there.
I think a lot of people may compare you to Quincy Jones and the way he's
done his last two albums. How do you feel about that?
DJ Yella: Good, 'cuz if you really think about it, thatís how Quincy Jones has always
been. I used to think Quincy was a singer, but he's a producer and that's
what I am. I'm not going to embarrass myself trying to rap because that
would be wack. I don't rap. I put things together, like the last Eazy
album. On the album, I'm working with BG Knocc Out, Dresta, Tracy Nelson,
Dirty Red, Kokane, and Leicy Loc. I wanted to have people that Iíve worked
with before who are down and these people have been down since Eazy was
Who are the people who speak about Eazy on the interludes of your album?
DJ Yella: A buddy of mine named Big Man, his wife, and his kids. They knew Eric
pretty well so I wanted them to talk for real. It wasn't rehearsed or
nothing. I had a little camera and asked them questions and captured what
they said. People say so much about Eazy that I wanted them to hear about
the good side of him, the normal side of Eric Wright. They knew him before
NWA started.
One of the ladies talking on an interlude said that Eazy-E was originally
known as Casual! Tell us about that.
DJ Yella: That was a shock to me! He probably had a little name in the neighborhood
and he was called Casual. I didn't know it until I heard that interview
So much of your album is about Eazy-E. Would your album exist at all if not
for Eazyís passing?
DJ Yella: Eazy and I were going to put a record out together, but he got so caught up
in other stuff that he never got around to it. I put this out because other
people have said a lot of things about Eazy-E, but nobody really did
anything nice for him. The first video out, For Tha E shows the way he
should have went out, not the way it was with court and the crazy stuff.
Some of the money I'll make, I'll give to his kids because they're not
getting taken care of.
Tell us what went on behind the scenes after Eazy passed away in terms of
the legal battles.
DJ Yella:A lot of it is still in court. By the time they finish, I think the company
will be broke. The only people who will be making money will be the
lawyers. That's why the last thing I did over there at Ruthless was his
album. I didn't want nobody else to put it together.
When was Eazy's album, 'Straight Off The Streets of Muthaphukkin' Compton'
actually completed?
DJ Yella: The last song he made was with me, him, and Ren. That was The Muthaphukkin'
Real done in December of 1994, just three months before he died.
Was it was eerie to hear him say 'when I die, niggaz bury me, make sure my
shit reads Eazy ëmuthaphukkin' E. And it's a fact, to be exact, my
tombstone should read 'he put Compton on that map'...' in that song?
When we did the song, I never paid attention to his words. I didnít hear
the actual words until months after he had died. Ain't that crazy? I
remember, though, that he just came up with the words right then off the
top of his head. I don't know if those words were significant at the time.
Did you leave Ruthless because you don't think they'll survive the legal
DJ Yella: My contract ran out in early 1994, but I was still around him because we
were down, not because of the money. I didn't care. That contract was
signed way back in 1989. But when he died, to me, Ruthless died. All
Ruthless Records is now is just a name. The real ruthless person is not
here so I'd rather not be stuck up with a bunch of court-appointed people,
I'd rather be on my own and do my own thing.
When did you first learn that Eazy had aids and what was your reaction?
DJ Yella: It was actually the night before the press conference. Everybody just about
knew on that night. I never even knew. And by the time the press conference
happened in the morning, he was already in a coma. He just kept it to
himself. He was only in the hospital for two or three weeks before that
press conference and that's when he found out. I had talked to him while he
was in the hospital, but we weren't talking about that, we were just
talking normally about business and joking around. He didn't sound down or
nothin'. He was talking like he was gonna be out next week and that's what
we thought. We knew he had bronchitis, but we didn't think nothin' about
it. Then, our buddy Big Man called me and told me that it was true that he
got it. That night, my whole night was messed up. When he told me, I knew
he wasn't playin'. I knew it was true. I was shocked because I had already
been hearing rumors for the past two weeks.
What originally happened was
that somebody who worked in the hospital told somebody else that Eazy was
in there with AIDS. They weren't supposed to tell, but once they told one
person, it got around. That's why they had to come out with a press
conference because the rumors were already in the streets. When they read
that famous letter at the press conference, Eazy was already in a coma the
day before. I don't know who actually wrote the letter. Those aren't his
words because he would've cussed in his regular way. Once I heard the first
couple of lines I knew that it wasn't him. He was in a coma. When I finally
saw him, it was right after the press conference. He already had tubes in
his mouth and everything. He couldn't talk no more but he could see me and
he knew I was there. He wasn't in a coma and but he was on a machine with
tubes in his mouth so he couldn't talk. I didn't know at the time that they
had paralyzed him from the neck down with medicine so he wouldn't move.
When he first got on the machine, he didn't like it so he was moving
around. After that, a day later, everybody was cut off and nobody could get
to see him. He knew I was there when I talked to him and that was about the
last time anybody got to see him. Cube didn't get to see him. I think Dre
went in, but I think he was sleeping at the time.
I heard reports at the time that Cube and Dre were at his bedside, but
nobody mentioned Yella and Ren.
DJ Yella: I was there! For the next few days I was there, but I wasnít allowed to see
him. I was the only one from the group who was there. The others weren't. I
don't know why. I asked Cube and he said he was out of town and couldn't
get back. As for Dre, I don't have the slightest idea. I talked to Dre for
about two minutes on the phone not long ago but we didn't talk about that.
I haven't seen Dre in years. There's nothing between us, I just haven't
seen them. I haven't seen Cube since '89. I haven't seen Dre since '92. And
Ren, he lives around the corner from me and I still don't see him. He lives
around the corner and he can't stop by or call?
Not to be disrespectful in any way, but a comment was made to me a few
months back from someone who claimed to have been down with the NWA in the
eighties that there were orgies with all kinds of women back in tha day.
His point was that if Eazy caught it because he wasnít using protection,
could his crew be far behind?
DJ Yella: We had two parties. Two pool parties. One party was for a video. There
wasn't no orgies going on. We don't know where or when Eric caught it. That
was the thing about Eazy-E. He was a very private person. You would never
see him in public with a girl, that wasn't his style. He went behind the
doors, that's how he was. We ain't never sat in a room and just passed a
girl around or nothing like that, or if it happened, I missed it!
From what I gather, you're the only member of NWA that has never taken a
shot a Eazy. Can you tell me about your friendship?
DJ Yella: We were always together. Like me and Dre were buddies since '81. I'd rather
see Dre on a normal level, not in a club with bodyguards, just the two of
us. Me and Eazy were always together. I never turned my back on him.
Anything I wanted, he gave me. If I said 'I want more money on this
project'.. it wasn't a problem. That was just him. He was one of the nicest
people if you knew him personally. We just stuck together. I was with him
until the end so I can sleep at night and say I was there with no regrets.
What about Ren's off-and-on beef with Eazy?
DJ Yella: That I don't know about and never understood. He was down and he swerved
off for awhile. I was really surprised and shocked that he rapped on Eazy's
last song together.
Is there a possibility of a reunion now that Eazy's gone?
DJ Yella: Yes and no. The No is the question 'why wait until now?' Why didn't they
talk about this two years ago? The Yes is that I would do it, but nobody
has approached me. If I did do it, I'd only do it on a neutral label. Dre
won't do it if it's on Ruthless and neither will Cube. I won't do it if
itís on Death Row. It's got to be a neutral label with five shares owning
the label (Eazyís share too) because I want his kids to get money. Nobody's
thinking about Eazy's kids, but I'm always thinking about them. One of his
sons, my godson Derek, who was always in his videos is in my video too.
People have been talking about a reunion, but nobody has talked to me about
it. If they leave me out, no problem. But if I did it, I'd be doing it for
real, not for the money.
How about the possibility of making a song with the remaining members of
NWA rapping around unreleased Eazy material like the Beatles did with
DJ Yella:I'm the only one with a master copy of some still-unreleased Eazy material.
One of the songs that is not released is a song called Still Fuckin'. I
didn't really finish the song and that song could be set up for other
rappers. It's like a Fuck The Police-type song. Ren and Eazy's vocals are
on it but it's still got room for the other two guys. I have another song
that's not released that nobody else has. I've been down so long I feel I
deserve to keep it.
Whatís in the future for you?
DJ Yella: I want a big production facility and get a production deal with the label.
On the back of this album, I'm the executive producer. Thatís how Eric used
to be. I wanna be in control. Who knows, in the future it might be another
Ruthless or Death Row!
I gotta give you props for two tracks in particular, the first one was the
last cut of Eazy's album, 'Eternal E' and the other is your last cut 'Not
Long Ago' where you really share yourself with the audience. Tell me about
those songs.
DJ Yella: That last song, the way I say it is just like how I would talk to him. The
last time we talked was on the plane to Vegas just talking business. If I
had known, we would have been talking much more differently. I would have
said 'get your company in order' so it wouldn't be in the shape it's in
now. I miss hanging out, doing shows, and his entire presence. To me, it's
like he's still around. He'll be missing for weeks or I won't hear from him
for a month, then he'll call and say 'Whatcha all doin'?' It's like he'll
call me in the studio or something. To me it's like he's not really gone
until I walk out to the cemetery.
Is that photo of you beside Eazy's tombstone an actual photo of his burial
DJ Yella: No. His actual tombstone wasn't made when we took the shot. His actual one
is flat. I was gonna used the actual gravesite but it was sacred and I
didn't want to touch it.
Any last thoughts about Eazy-E?
DJ Yella: He was one of those people who did so much for others and started so much,
if he wasn't around, a lot of this west coast Hip Hop would be so different
now. There wouldn't have been NWA as we know it and it might have died out
by now. - ![]() Go Back To Interview Directory