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Presidential Candidates

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Voter Education Guides & Political Links

Democratic & Progressive Links

Ethnic Political Links

Republican and Conservatives Links

Local Elections Information

This site allows you to find out who is on the ballot for your particular neighborhood and city.. All you do is fill in the address form and away you go.. Here you will find information on local Congress people and state legislatures..

Below are some cool links where you can find some relevant information on various issues and candidates from a variety of ideologies and perspectives.. If you have any other links worth peeping please drop us an email Davey D

Voter Education Guides & Political Links

Vote 2000 This is the official election site for the state of California. Full of info..

California Online Voting Guide -Gives all the breakdowns and analysis for Cali politics.. A great resource

MTV's Choose or Lose -An excellent election website for the Hip Hop/MTV Generation

San Francisco Bay Guardian -Good endorsements, lots of breakdowns, easy to understand..

San Francisco Chronicle Election 2000 -SF's largest newspaper has a special online election breakdown

San Francisco Ballot Measures -Comprehensive guide to all candidates and ballots measures in SF

Rock The Vote 2000 -Good election site for young voters

CNN Election 2000 -Great excellent coverage from this 24 Hour newsleader

League of Women Voters- Easy ballot reading.. Pro & Con analysis on all ballot issues

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Democrats and Progressives Links

Green Party -This is the party of Ralph Nader. Progressive ideas and issues..

California Democratic Party-The official website for the California Democratic Party.

Democrats Online-California -Another good website that connects you to Cali Democrats and their issues

Rainbow Push Coalition This is Jesse Jackson's website who covers various issues & events

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Republican & Conservatives Links -This is the official Republican site... Breaks down all the Wash DC happenings -A Republican site that stays abreast of all the latest races nationwide..

Traditional Values Coalition -A conservative website that covers a variety of issues

American Family Association -Another conservative website where they scream on Abortion Rights

Christian Coalition-A conservative website that got its start as a Pro-Life organization.

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Ethnic Political Sites

This comprehnsive website provides an indepth analysis of issues from a Latino perspective.

Asian-American Politics

A definitive website dealing with issues pertinent to the Asian American community. Gives an indepth analsis of various candidates and how they relate to the Asian community. Spotlights all those Asian Americans running for office throughout the US.

A comprehensive site that digs deep and covers politics from an African American perspestive. Every Friday they look at politics with a Hip Hop angle. Full of good information.. Another good site to visit is

Youth Speaks

Youth Speak is a grassroots citizen organization working to empower youth and allow youth to make the democratic choices that affect their lives -- especially through voting. YouthSpeak is the only nationwide organization whose sole purpose is to allow youth the right to vote.

Women's Voting Guide-

See how candiadtes rate on issues important to women voters..

Pop & Politics

This is the worlf famous site to CNN Political Correspondent Ferai Chideya. She has written two excellent books dealing with the hype behind news media and politic. Her site is filled with essays and nice perspectives on a variety of political issues. Her work is geared for the Hip Hop generation.

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