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California State Propositions

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This is the official sight where you can find all the ballot measures and accompanying analsis and arguments both pro and con for the November 2000 Election..

Proposition 32-Voters Bond Act 2000

This act provides for a bond issue of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) to provide farm and home aid for California veterans. Fiscal Impact: Costs of about $858 million over 25 years (average cost of about $34 million per year); costs paid by participating veterans.

Prop 33-Legislature Participation in Public Employees Retirement System

Allows legislative members to participate in the Public Employees’ Retirement System plans in which a majority of state employees may participate. Fiscal Impact: Annual state costs under $1 million to provide retirement benefits to legislators, with these costs replacing other spending from the fixed annual amount provided in support of the Legislature.

Prop 34-Campaign Contributions and Spending Limits Disclosure

Limits campaign contributions and loans to state candidates and political parties. Provides voluntary spending limits; expands public disclosure requirements and increases penalties. Fiscal Impact: Additional net costs to the state, potentially up to several million dollars annually, and unknown but probably not significant costs to local government.

Prop 35-Public Works Projects Use of Private Contractors

Amends Constitution eliminating existing restrictions on state, local contracting with private entities for engineering, architectural services; contracts awarded by competitive selection; bidding permitted, not required. Fiscal Impact: Unknown impact on state spending for architectural and engineering services and construction project delivery. Actual impact will depend on how the state uses the contracting flexibility under the proposition.

Prop 36-Drugs, Probabtion and Treatment Program

Requires probation and drug treatment, not incarceration, for possession, use, transportation of controlled substances and similar parole violations, except sale or manufacture. Authorizes dismissal of charges after completion of treatment. Fiscal Impact: Net annual savings of $100 million to $150 million to the state and about $40 million to local governments. Potential avoidance of one-time capital outlay costs to the state of $450 million to $550 million.

Prop 37-Fees Vote Requirement Taxes

Requires two-thirds vote of State Legislature, majority or two-thirds of local electorate to impose future state, local fees on activity to study or mitigate its environmental, societal or economic effects. Defines such fees as taxes except property, development, certain other fees. Fiscal Impact: Unknown, potentially significant, reduction in future state and local government revenues from making it more difficult to approve certain regulatory charges.

Prop 38-School Vouchures, Private School Funding

Authorizes annual state payments of at least $4000 per pupil for private/religious schools. Permits replacement of current constitutional public school funding formula. Fiscal Impact: Near-term state costs from zero to $1.1 billion annually. Long-term state impact from $2 billion in annual costs to $3 billion in annual savings, depending on how many public school students shift to private schools.

Prop 39-School Facilities 55% Local Vote

Authorizes bonds for repair, construction or replacement of school facilities, classrooms, if approved by 55% local vote. Fiscal Impact: Increased bond debt for many school districts. Long-term costs statewide could total in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Potential longer-term state savings to the extent school districts assume greater responsibility for funding school facilities.

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