Get Your Vote On 2000

Why Should I vote?

*Critical Issues Are At Stake

*Voting is Power

*Every Vote Counts

*Voting Is A Hard Fought Right

Presidential Candidates

US Cali Senate Candidates

California State Propositions

Voter Education and Political Links

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*Every Vote Counts*
Your lack of participation could effect 'the game'
for years to come!

Many people mistakenly believe that their vote doesn't make a difference. DON'T BE FOOLED! A small number of voters can and often do make the difference in an election. For example, in the 1960 presidential election, only one vote per precinct in four states made the difference that sent John Kennedy to the White House. Several years ago the late LA Mayor Tom Bradley lost by a handful of votes and just missed becoming California's first African American Governor.

Every election year, in local races for supervisor, mayor and city council seats are won by fewer than a few hundred votes There are many important propositions with far reaching effects that are decided upon by a relatively small number of votes. This year's Presidential race is shaping up to be one of the closest races in history. The bottomline is Your Vote Does Matters! [Top of page] Next Page

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this site is produced by Davey D in association with eLine Productions