Davey D's FNV Newsletter
In Today's Issue: January 30 2001
*DMX To Go To Jail
*Puff & J-LO A No Go?
*Zack De La Roca Hooks Up w/ ?uestlove
*Allen Iverson Is Gonna Come Raw
*Dis Eminem Cause Suicide?
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The FNV Newsletter
written by Davey D
Bad news for DMX as he will have to spend 15 days in jail for skipiing a court date last March. For those who don't recall, DMX was stopped for erractic driving after leaving a concert in upstate New York. Police officers later discovered that he had a suspended license and some weed on him.. He was arrested and told to return to court a couple of weeks later, however since DMX was on tour.. [Ruff Ryders/Cash Money Tour] he skipped out on his court date..He turned himself in a week later, but not before a new warrant for his arrest was written. DMX was ordered to spend 15 days in jail. He appealefd the sentence , but the word finally came back that his appeal was denied.. A new warrant was issued for his arrest. The irony to this whole ordeal is that DMX is up for a Grammy.. The ceramonies take place February 21st which means DMX would have to go to jail as soon as next week..
First things First
It looks like the first of Hip Hops 3 major trials this year is ready to get under way. 12 jurors have been picked and are ready to hear the case that involves Mr. Sean Puffy Combs and his partner Shyne. There was a bit of controversy leading up to the selection of five men and seven women who are split evenly along racial lines of Black and white. Puffs defense lawyers accused prosecutor Mathew Bogdanos of racism when it appeared that he was on a mission to dismiss potential jurors because they were Black or Latino. Prosecutors countered that Puffs lawyers were prejudice against potential white jurors. The prevailing logic seems to be that a juror of color may be a bit more sympathetic to Puffs plight
Adding to all this drama are widespread reports that Puff woman, actress Jennifer Lopez may have left him for greener pastures, most notably a back up dancer in her latest video named Chris. There was disturbing ful l page story that came out in Thursdays New York Post newspaper that stated that J-Lo had been wanting to drop Puff for a long time, but was afraid of his explosive temper. The story goes on to note that she finally broke things off six months ago, but the pair agreed to put on a public façade of togetherness so as to leave a good impression during Puffs trial. The Posts allegations about Puffs temper toward J-Lo may not sit to well with jurors especially those of color
Hopefully the sensationalism dies down and Puff gets a fair trial
The other big complication that has popped up involves Shyne, who last weekend was involved in an accident which left two people critically injured. He was publicly accused of driving with a suspended license and running a red light. There was a lot of hoopla made about this until further investigations were made. It was later discovered that Shyne had a valid Florida license and that it was the people who were injured who ran the red light and not Shyne. The prosecutors were forced to retract some of their statements and the issuance of an arrest warrant. The whole mess seemed to be an attempt to try the case in the press by showing homeboy in a bad light. In any case, despite the gag order, all eyes will be on Puffs famed lawyer Johnnie Cochran to see if he can work miracles as he did for other notable clients like OJ Simpson, and get the pair off and free from jail
Cats are looking at 15 years or more if convicted
In other news
we hear that former Rage Against The Machine lead rapper Zack De La Roca has been hard at work on his upcoming solo album. He has been in the studio getting some production help from? uestlove of The Roots. Word has it that the pair have already laid down 4 or 5 songs
If everything goes to plan, Zack should also be getting some production help from El-P of the now defunct Company Flow and from Jay Dee of Slum Village.
While ?uestlove is doing his thing BlackThought is been hard at work laying down tracks for his upcoming solo album titled Masterpiece Theater which is due out in March. He released a track a couple of months back called Hardware which I felt a lot of cats slept on
but if all goes well his album should be off the hook as he has cats like Jay Dee of Slum Village and Pete Rock helping produce things
Another cat making noise not so much for his rapping skills but because of the controversy surrounding it is 76er basketball player Allen Iverson. If you recall he caused an uproar not long ago because of his grimy and explicit lyrics on his debut single 40 Bars. The NBA heads came down on him as well as anti-rap crusader C Delores Tucker and pressured him to remove the offending material... Iverson claimed he was merely reflecting how he had come up, but cats eventually he agreed to back off... Well it seems like Iverson has had a change of heart... He isnt going to remove offensive lyrics from his album Non Fiction. Hes gonna come with the hardcore raw stuff
The only major change in plans is that hes not gonna release his album during the NBA All-star weekend as was initially planned.
Eminem is finding himself caught up in some more drama. This time its his music being blamed.. Over in the UK a 17 year old boy named David Hurcombe committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train
Authorities later found a suicide note containing some of the lyrics from one of Ems songs Rock Bottom... "
Anyway, got to go, miss my train. See y'all in hell
'cos when we die we know we're all going the same way
". The UK coroner Hamish Turner criticized the song as being depressing and that he did not like the tone of a lot of the music teenagers are listening to
I guess we better hope the parents of the this young man dont try and sue Em
The way things are going today you never know.. Im willing to bet if theres any sort of hate crime committed Em may be the one blamed for it.. Its ironic that the artist are catching all the heat and not the rest of the machinery ie record labels, video shows and radio stations which play a key role in making certain artist icons..
Tip of the Day:
Jay-Z will be featured in this weekends USA Today Cover story
. If youre in LA be sure to check out The Art Speak Stolen Lives Project Concert this Sunday and Monday
Its all going down at the El Ray Theater and its a benefit for those who were victims to police brutality
All sorts of artists ranging from Freestyle Fellowship to Blackalicious to The Coup to Mystic will be on hand
Hip Hop Pet Peeves:
Submitted From: Oseye Boyd
Rappers who sound like idiots in interviews whether on tv or in a magazine. It's cool to use slang but c'mon, every word. And must they always use "be" incorrectly. If they're not totally destroying the English language then
they answer a question with a completely off the subject answer. Many of these rappers think they have to throw as much slang in a sentence as possible in order to "keep it real", but they actually come off sounding stupid and making no sense.
Rappers who show they're gold, platinum, iced-out fronts to the camera throughout the whole video. Uuugghh!!!! It's not attractive at all. And the ones that do it are already ugly, there's no need to make it worse. There should be a two front minimum. Caps have been around for years, what's the point in flashing them in the camera like it's a new thing. I just hope everyone's breath is minty fresh. I doubt it, since most of these dudes claim to smoke trees all day long. And we know weed does not make for pleasant smelling breath.
Hip Hop Observation of the Day:
In a recent interview with BET.. Talib Kweli had this to say.. what are your thoughts on this
Talib Kweli: I went to be on Tavis Smiley's show to sorta represent this opinion. To me, none of that stuff really matters. Whether Gore or Bush is the president doesn't matter to me. We've participated more and more in this political system and our communities are getting worse and worse. So my focus is really on community stuff, and dealing with people and how we relate to each other, and self-esteem issues. These people when they deal with politics have already declared themselves as my enemy as far as I'm concerned. To tell you the truth-even though people ask me all the time, because they look at me as like the political, conscious rapper-I really don't pay attention to any of that stuff. I don't think Gore or Bush changes the effect of the Black community. I just think it changes the political trend. And when people get tired of Bush, the political trend will change back. And it'll just keep going back and forth. But the thing is that people dealing with it in their real lives don't necessarily change.
======END OF NEWSLETTER================
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